I'v got some suggestions about weapons in EW 4: you could maybe correct the 2 round burst of the AN-94: I just read about it, that it recoils only after the second shot, so the first 2 rounds go to the same spot.
And if you plan to use Gauss-weapons again, maybe they could be different too: I read about them also, and they have quite different adventages then in the game: their damage is probably not very high, becouse the bullet can't have a pointed end, but becouse the bullet is accelerated by electromagnetic field instead of explosion, it's silent, and has no recoil!
So, in the game the Gauss gun could have a low damage (around 30), but big clip, great fire rate (it must be electrically fed, so why not), and a reeealy small kickback and max kickback (like 0,5 and 3).
It's already August!!! (cry)