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    Wow, NG is till alive! Maybe I should continue making games)

    Vitaly @BlackFox-of-ITMO

    Age 38, Male

    Far away from home

    Joined on 2/20/05

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    also make a new post soon this ones geting a bit crowded 142 comments

    this probably will sound retarted but what if you made a combo game of f2 and ew4 call it endless fuedalism but instead of towns have one hq that give you missions and promotes you like going from alien trooper to fiend

    yo m8. when u said bout endless war 4 i was well excited. theres so much room for new ideas. PLZ get rid of the backwards vision. i cant wait for veicles

    not many people feel like talk i guess
    i left for a weak and still no new posts

    Don't worry smooglydino your not alone :S

    glock 18 instead of burts it has a full auto switch can you change it in ew4 if possible

    if you can find more guns cool but how about a many different grenades
    keep old ones +
    smoke if posible enemys cant se you
    how about c4 to get into walls
    and a big F'n bomb for huge killing
    can you keep the mixing glitches please

    to try to get people to talk what is your favorite endless war 3 equipment combo
    me i chose super shoygun because it is the only weapon that cant be used unless all guns a unlocked
    next is colt anaconda because owning others with it is funny
    then it is splitter grenade because i like a chalenge i also take the slow bulets off
    (try play "one shot you killed" on that)

    if you to make EW4, wouldnt the vehicles be funner if the maps were bigger? i mean, im not trying to complain .. just thought id.. ask or something, idk

    your games are so awesome tho and EW4 is gonna be epic either way xD

    some gun to look into vss vintorez is a russian autimatic sniper rifle
    saw is an awesome machine gun

    I kinda thought of something for EW4 that is actully kinda origanal, you remember that game battleflight? (or whatever it is called) and it was kinda cool exept alot a glitches were in there, i thought that you could put that in there but 10 times as better! also, put more screens for the levels, it can get boring by just one little level, make it have some space man! also but in land fetures such as hills to hide under but one more thing,

    you know that in real life, those guys are not your only enamies. there is animals, conditions and even nature itself. so make it have animals killing you and let you dehydrate and even fall on a mountian and get poisonized! well thats all.

    I know this would be conflicting the name, but how about a modern times feudalism?

    In Endless War 4 it would be cool to have modes instead of the standard go here mission over and over. Modes like kill a certain guy or survive waves of enemies.

    I LOVE YOUR GAMES!!!!!!!!!

    maahan!U got too much time on UR hands

    For feudilism 2 make a switch buddy like main character and like pet but pet only has 2 idems aurmor and spells

    I think the turrent\viecle idea is a great one. Also, here is a suggestion: a End of Days campain. Think about it. Shooting demons and Zombies, whils trying to save mankind, OR shooting those who risist the Anti-Christ as a Demon. Also: how about custom maps for an EW4? And since you did Fallout in EW2, maybe Halo in EW4?

    dude, fuedalism 2 is out.

    Holy shit, Endless war 4? Damn!

    For EW4, there could be campaigns for movie storylines. I would love to do some "Predator" stuff Endless War style!

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