Wow, NG is till alive! Maybe I should continue making games)

Vitaly @BlackFox-of-ITMO

Age 38, Male

Far away from home

Joined on 2/20/05

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836 / 900
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I think the anime/manga characters look better, and I'm not a big fan of anime, manga, or JRPGs. The cartoony ones on the right side do look funny, but also poorly drawn, something that reviewers will carp upon ad nauseam. The advantage of those on the right is that they may cause less lag (due to a lower level of detail), but that is not guaranteed--some games with stronzata graphics still lag a lot.

But you should do whatever is easiest for you--when your game is done, I'll be sure to play and review it. In bocca al lupo col tuo giocchio.

The name's already taken

<a href="http://www.powersoccer.com/">http://www.powersoccer.com/</a>

Thanks, I'll think out something about the name.

when will this be released?

does each character have different stats(like speed/power/etc)?

how many skills can each character have?

will there be op characters/skills?

will there be more team colors besides red/blue?

do you control the players or is it all scripted or are you the coach that just controls subs and stuff?

will there be more terrain to play in besides the grass?

will the soccer ball have superpowers?

will there be more uniform varieties, such as different themes?

will there be more types of reporters and will they be voice acted?

can players die?

are characters and names randomly generated or will they be picked from a preset list?

anyways... i think this is interesting, but regarding your question on character looks, i think you should have both because from what i see in the screenshots, there are 3 people with the same hair so... ya feel me? Variety is a great thing that keeps people interested in games so depending on people the amount of faces and looks and names, you should pick which should be used. Also it kinda sucks that only you main character gets experience cuz what if you have someone on your team like badass mcgee right? you get to like that character as you play the game right? I don't want to release badass mcgee because hes my friend but i have to because he sucks... Maybe im thinking too hard on this. Also remember to put in epic names, for example Brains McGetter or Sparkling Grizzly Bear, because thats always fun in these kind of games. I think a good amount of appearances is... 50 or so. Anyways this is all i came up with for now. Hope this helps. Good Luck!

oh and since the name power soccer is taken... try... Chopper Soccer or something without "Soccer" in it like "Silver Hard" or maybe something related to something ingame like a championship?

>when will this be released?
I need about a month to finish the game, if everything goes as I planned
>does each character have different stats(like speed/power/etc)?
Sure! And you upgrade your character stats as he levels up.
>how many skills can each character have?
there're 5 skills per each of 4 classes, 20 total. The classes are Forward, Midfielder, Defender and Goalkeeper. Forwards got self-buffs increasing their speed and defense, Midfielders are supportive characters with some good buffs, Defenders slow enemies down and lower their defense and Goalkeeper got some useful buffs too.
>will there be op characters/skills?
I hope no, some of them may be more useful than other, but not overpowered
>will there be more team colors besides red/blue?
Of course, you'll select colors and icon for your team, and all opposing teams would have unique set of colors.
>do you control the players or is it all scripted or are you the coach that just controls subs and stuff?
You can control only one character at a time, switching between them.
>will there be more terrain to play in besides the grass?
No, I thought grass should be enough %)
>will the soccer ball have superpowers?
No, it's just an ordinary ball, not a magical item. Besides, a few skills will affect it.
>will there be more uniform varieties, such as different themes?
No themes, but the uniform is adjustable. You can change T-shirt, legs, boots and arms of your character. AI players wear random uniforms.
>will there be more types of reporters and will they be voice acted?
3 pairs of reporters. A VERY GOOD idea about voice acting, but, sadly, no. Things happen too often making them speak very fast.
>can players die?
Hey, it's sports game! They can't, they don't even have a health bar. This is probably my first game where characters don't have health bars =)
>are characters and names randomly generated or will they be picked from a preset list?
Characters have only first name and it is picked from a list.
> there are 3 people with the same hair so... ya feel me?
Fear not, I'm going to add 8 types of hair and the same amount of other body parts.
> Also it kinda sucks that only you main character gets experience
I thought of it too, but if your current teammates gain levels and become stronger, what would make you replace them with the new ones? There're a lot of people to hire and you'll be adjusting your team after almost any victory.

In the place where it was invented, it's called FOOTBALL

I like the cartoony graphics better, I think it suits the content better than the manga, at least based on the info you gave. I would say that the manga style fits more a magic thing, with all that colorful stuff and magic going around and stuff like that. But that's just my opinion. Btw, is it possible to know if Feudalism 3 is coming out any day?

I'm spending a lot of time working on Feudalism III, but there're still many things to do. I need several months to finish it.

I'm glad you're making a game about soccer, as I'm a big fan of that sport. I think that you should choose whichever one you think looks best and lags least etc. Also, if you wanted to get more ideas about what to do in a soccer game, one of the best soccer games online that I used to play is on a site called Funorb.com, called Kickabout League. It's fun and idk, you might get inspired or something. Oh and I'm not sure if you should put that game under "Sports", not a lot of people play sports games. Maybe under Action or something.

P.S.: I'm a fan of your Feudalism, and I'm looking forward to it coming out. Hope you'll include music this time, a pause button, and changed difficulty because the last 2 were hard at first then very easy. Also, it would be good if you spell checked it cause a lot of people complain about the spelling mistakes.

I think both art styles can be used for different teams, it would really give them a different personality. So, the beautiful teams can be anime/manga, and the silly teams can use the funny cartoon.

I think the cartoon-y one seems better,Fits the game :3

It looks great whatever style you decide to go with. Either way the tip I'd like to give is: Don't call if soccer at all! about 99% of all 'soccer' fans live outside of the U.S.A and some of them hate the name soccer. So I'd call it football if I were you :P

I vote for anime chars. I'm sorry that it will result in more work for you, but i agree with Unsterblicher that they could look quite poor, not to talk about the fact that the characters on the left look way more modern than the others; those on the right seem like some medieval civilians playing some ancient sport... XD

Btw, it looks really promising. Looking forward to seeing it online. :)

You should stick with the manga theme, looks pretty neat (:

Also, how far are you in the progress of making a feudalism III? :D (huge fan of that series)

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