Wow, NG is till alive! Maybe I should continue making games)

Vitaly @BlackFox-of-ITMO

Age 38, Male

Far away from home

Joined on 2/20/05

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Endless War: Defense

Posted by BlackFox-of-ITMO - April 7th, 2010

I've almost finished a sequel to Endless War series, Endless War: Defense. According to its name it will not be a shooter, but a defense game where you have to build cannons, pillboxes and trenches and repel waves of enemies.
Though in this game you'll have to focus on building up your base, you'll still be able to control any ally unit manually, even a single soldier or a tank. There'll be 3 campaigns (14 missions each) and a survival mode.

Game is out!

Endless War: Defense


Wow, I take back everything I said. This will be insanely awesome!
Almost as awesome as a possible feudalism 3? :3

I can't wait to hear more from you. I understand making games must be a pain in the #*&, but know that I really appreciate those awesome games :D

Looking forward to it.

Considering how much I've enjoyed the Endless War series, I'm eagerly anticipating what you do with this one.

Been a really long time since the last game. Hope it turns out well.

I can't wait it sounds awesome!

Awesome just one question are u gonna make feudaism III? i loved feudalism

Matbe I'll start making it at last %) I just want to make some EW games soooo much =)

I've been a long-time fan of Endless War, and I must say, this looks and sounds awesome! Keep it up, man!

looks like tons of fun, and the graphics have improved a lot too. We were almost thinking of doing the same thing with our game :P

Wow! The game looks awesome, it will totally be a good comeback after EW4 (Which in my opinion wasn't that bad at all, but Majority Rules) But this is an entirely different field than a Shooter or a RPG (from your lesser known Feudalism series), you should take your time on this one and make sure that it is playable, with a good solid basic goal and don't put 75% on it with graphics or selection, rather a balance, with a little more work on the gameplay.

(P.S, I agree with Hoek and Gray. MAKE FEUDALISM 3!)

Hey hey hey! Don't put me down as the bad guy now Kardon :P
It's not like I only like feudalism. Endless war Is pretty rad it's self.

It's just that I prefer RPG's over shooters. It's more a personal thing :P
Feudalism 2 will probably be very hard to top. I suggest that you take a good look that the Total War games (especially Rome: Total War)
Because economic's are a big part in that game. It's not just fighting all the time.

Most battles are fought in the minds of those pulling the strings, what comes after is merely routine. - Taco Hoekzema :P

I was thinking abiut making a mix of EW and Feudalism. A kind of Endless War, but with leveling and open world. Maybe I'll start making such game if EW:Defense will be successful.

Can't wait for it to come out but may i say can u make your own customizable hero and he has special attacks and if he die's he's either knocked out or you must wait for him to respawn like he respawns in 5 minutes it would be awsome and maybe put difffrent death animations like 3 different animations if a soldiers dies and its random and also last maybe you can pick an era and a side from the era like ww2 or modern wars and the future wars

A defense game? Awesome! i work best at defense!

By the way, I noticed that the Feudalism games were very similar to another indie game called Mount & Blade.

when will it be realesed?

I think it'll be released close to D-day (the 6th of June).

Is there also gonna be sandbox mode to?

In EWD? No, just a set of missions. If you're asking about that mix of Feudalism and EW - I' don't know. I haven't even started workin on it, that was just an idea.

Good luck , looking forward to playing it - seems very well done.

To your idea of mixing EW and Feudalism - is it going to be based on your loved Fallout? )

Well, I can't copy fallout directly and big battles (like 50 vs 50) are not for fallout universe. I want it to be based on ww2 or mordern wars or alternate history.

It all sounds rad man. Please excuse me I'm gonna play Endless war: Defense now :o
Keep us up to date on your progress :D

really liked your game but you should make on based on endless war 2 you know with the mutants and all

I just tried the game and at 1st glance I quite like it. But I think it should be called different becouse it's a different game and has very few similarities with the rest of the EW series.
I still consider EW 3 the very best of the series. EW 1 was amateuris (but a good start), EW 2 was very good, almost there, EW 4 was a bit of disappointment (for me), and this one, while good, doesn't really belong to the rest.
Therefore I think you should relise an editor for EW 3, one could create new missions (and maybe new types of unites and new guns) wich could be uploaded somewhere (a dedicated website maybe). I'm pretty sure it would be a great success becouse EW 3 is so awesome and there are lots of fans of it!
If you would still like to make more EW games, the editor should be your next project!

Could you make an edit to take out that horrid background elevator music?

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