cant wait for them both! though i got new ideas for both of the games, on feudalism 2 if it is not too late you can add 2 more weapon types.hailberd and scythe also i was thinking you could choose a race like orc or elf and all that. and if you dont know what they look like look them up on google.also i thought maybe use diffrent mounts like dragons and lions. and after like once you destoyed a nation's biggest town you got to face a boss or 2.also you should add more shops like magic shop to buy scrolls and spellbooks and stuff like that. also differnt units like mage and necomencer. and maybe have things like if you and a enamy fly on a mount you could go to a diffrent seane in the air and fight them in the air or fly up in the air and go stuff like air raids.also you could do stuff like if u got a ship u mess with another ship and have things like cannons to shoot them.and now to endless war 4. you could have a more romeable area in a mission like there is more than 1 area to go to get in the exit. maybe even go to missions like in ships and planes and stuff like that. maybe even on endless war4 you could have a boss after you have beaten a campien. and u could have stuff like if u run into a enamy you could do some kind of time thing to push the buttons at the right time to not get killed. thats all i have to say exept i got a question. will anyone of these will have dffrent grafics?
CAnt wait til Fuedalism 2 and EW4. Loved feudalism one. On EW4 it would be nice to have some stealth missions, and the bird eyes view was kinda annoying, but it was still really fun