Wow, NG is till alive! Maybe I should continue making games)

Vitaly @BlackFox-of-ITMO

Age 38, Male

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Joined on 2/20/05

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To all people who ask about Feudalism 2 and Endless War 4

Posted by BlackFox-of-ITMO - May 4th, 2008

I'm working on Feudalism 2 now and got some news about that game:
- Special Skills, which inflict more damge, but cost some SP and cannot be used when mounted
- 2 new nations: Mongols and Arabs
- bigger map, more towns
- more weapons: amount of all types of weapons is increased
- new weapon type: Katar
- a bit changed character stats: now he will not be overpovered (at least, I hope so)
- new units
- all (or almost all) units use skills too
There're still too much to do, but hope I'll finish the game in umm...hmm.. begining of October? But will piblish only after 27th of October (see below)

I'm going to rest for a while after finishing Feudalism 2 and then start working on Endless War 4. I'll probably add usable turrets and vehicles to the gamebut not sure if such shall make the game more interesting. Exactly, I don't have any other new ideas for EW4... maybe some new guns though.. Staelth missions and Medival campaigns..? Hard to make and a bit boring to play. Some guys suggested to make a Wild West or Civil War missions, but is it interesting to shot enemies with a pistol or a rifle which takes lots of time to reload? I don't think so.


Hey cant i have a list of units from Feudalism

I havn't worked on them yet, but there will be nothing special: just some new guys armed with new weapons and armor (oh! I've forgot to notice new, cool-looking chainmails, helms and shields!), but most of existing units shall be changed a bit. There're 70 units in Feudalism 1, I guess their amount will increase up to 100 in Feudalism 2.

me too!

Cool, vehicles for EW 4. I think it would be cool for you to have a Stealth mission. At least add some stealth aspects, so people won't instantly turn and shoot you because you're so damn noisy. It would be cool to sneak behind someone and then...KNIFED!!!! Please take this into consideration.

Hmm... okay, I'll remove eyes from enemies' back (~_^), if such feature will not cause low game speed.

That will be good, if you remove the eyes from the enemies back, becouse it was one of the few things that annoyed me, that they alwasy spotted me instantly. Other greet improvement would be if the enemies would be slightly more intelligent, so that they wouldn't get stuck by the obstackles, and if I had better control over the allies, like controlling them separetly, so that they'll not shoot eachother, and order them to reload (it's not fine that they not reload even if they have an empty clip, only in front of the enemy, wich means their deaths).
And I think you could redesign the kickbacks of the weapons, becouse it seems too huge: sometimes even the 3rd shot is totally inaccurate, and by the autoshotguns the inaccuary gets way too big. I never fired a gun, but I don't think it can kick so big that the next shot goes 45 degrees away.

I'll try improve AI a bit too, but it will not become much smarter. Maybe I'll add some new simple orders for temmates too.
Some guns (FN SCAR and USAS-12 for example) are not designed for looong bursts, so they have powerful kickback and good damage and I don't want to redisign them. Shoot short bursts to kill an enemy with a few accurate hits - such weapons make game harder, but more interesting.
You know, the game could't be that good if all guns had both high damage and small kickback. There should be some bad sides in each gun. I've spent a lot of time trying to make every 100 weapons unique and sometimes kickback is all the difference betwen two of them.

Oh, and I forgot something: I think the dead bodies were better in the EW1, becouse they were whole bodies, and not parts in a bloody mess.

i love Feudalism and im looking forward to the second, but i have a lot of suggestions because i beat the game like three times on every character except the ninjas (they were really underpowered and less fun)

can you put an easier way to sell wepons? and can you make a different tab system to manage gear and specials? oh, and it would be great to make a super special ultimate gear thing that you have to buy in a super-main-one-of-a-kind-city for every part of your chacter's body that needs like 120 or 150 in all main stats?

And people wise, a super team/faction that you cannot start a character on unless you beat every character would be freaking awsome

Another good thing to be able to purchase would be special talents or skills or passive skills from the church that would allow a variety of stuff like healing to flaming balls of energy from the sky to lightning rifts ripping across the field would be cool.

Definitly could upgrade the boat system as to buying boats (that increase speed and battle advantages)
A forge where you could upgrade your wepons would be nice

Ah, im done typping, but i might drop by latter and rant more if you would like some more ideas

Oh yea, upgradeable Castles for a protecting against a bandit raid on a main city or something would be sweet.

Yes, lots of people asked me to make a better store interface, so I'll make it too.
The best armors will be very special, and the only way to get them - is to kill the enemy king at the capital (it's more interesting than just to purchase, isn't it?). Of course such armors shall require very high stats.
All heroes and some units shall have passive skills too, so there's no need to buy them at the church. Even if main hero have no healing skills you can recruit a clieric which will heal troops at the battlefield.
A forge? I wanted it to be a surprise, so didn't wrote about it...!

I look forward to feudalism 2!

It's good that you mentioned the USAS-12, becouse in the game that's completly useless: it doesn't have that big damage you mentioned - actually it has the lowest damage of all the shotguns, and the big fire rate doesn't compensate it, becouse it has so huge kickback, that it's inaccurate even at close range. Actually I found only one shotgun not useless: the HK Caws, becouse it kills with one shot. The others are crap, becouse at long range only a few shots hit, so the damage is low, and at close range the enemy hits me a thousend times before I can kill him. Even the Jackhammer is only useful when I shoot an 8 round burst at the enemy from very-very close. I accept that there must be some bad side of each gun, but if a gun is too bad, the player just skips it, or uses the sec. weapon instead, and tries to capture a better primery.
By the way, I think the burst alt. attacks should be a bit reformed too: if fewer ammo is loaded than the bursts requirement, than it should fire what remains in the clip, instead of reloading.
And to make every weapon unique, you could make different reload times too, so you wouldn't need to variate only the dmg, fire rate and kickback.

Hmm.. I used to think that USAS has same damage as other shotguns. Okay, I'll fix some guns, but don't expect too many changes.

you should make a timeline sort of game fight through all the wars pick a side in biggening and fight through all the wars its had?

It isn't too hard, but Feudalism's engine isn't designed for battles with modern weapons, tanks, APCs and etc. And I want to make a game with an open world, not with fixed storyline.

hey,your fuedalism was good but you know wath was missing?creating your own hero.i'm really looking forward to your fuedalism 2

my guess is that you got your ideas from knights of honor...right or right?

The game may seem too easy with a customized character, so at the start there will be 12 characters to choose. But character creation could be unlocked once the game is completed... I'll think about such feature.
Knights of honor? I've never heard about this game. Some ideas were taken from King's Bounty and one not very known game - Konung. The othrer ideas are my own ~_^

I hope to see customizable units , i mean like creat a uniqe unit and stuff like that. And plz make so the katanas and other asian weapons would be avaible on horse!
and plz add so you could buy ships not only rent them!

I'll add unit creator if I'll have enough time. Not sure if it's neccessary.
Yes maybe Katanas will be usable when mounted (but not Ninja-To's - thery're too short)
You'll be able to buy a ship, but its' price will be rather high.

First off let me say that feudalism is one of the best games i've played free online. Thats not to say it doesn't have its glitches but who cares. I read what you pretty much plan on doing and all i ask is for the towns you attack and take over to be able to get attacked and retaken. that way you cant beat the game in a few hours which i have done with every class(the ninja is my favorite tho i wish he could ride a damn horse) i hope you make it so that you're not so over powered near the end of the game even though i did enjoy killing everything in one hit and taking over towns with just my guy. with that said i cant wait for feudalism 2 to come out please hurry i've been waiting for 2 since i beat 1 =)

sounds like a good idea, I would love medieval missions :D

my ideas for EW4 maybe see if you can revamp the AI , one of my more annoying memories from the previous ones were walking in front of allies still shooting, or moving another ally in front of someone with a machine gun haha, the game itself is really solid I love it and feudalism has a few things that could be better, add maybe aspects like moral or luck? like Might n magic 3 and maybe customizing troops a bit more? like lvling oh and its also time consuming when you buy a lot of troops for an invasion and win, but they have upgraded troops, to you have to either leave them in and buy new ones or sell em and buy new ones (the dragging gets well yeah) so maybe a button to upgrade them instead of a leveling system if not then maybe just a click to buy button like the scrolls

now I will admit I know next to nothing about flash but I know what makes great games and you sir have some fuckin' awesome ones
if you can do these then see how it works, if you like it try it if not then cut em but either way I wish you luck making these I'm sure plenty of people will love 'em and I am one of them :D

ps if you need any beta testers I'd be honored

I think , it could be much better if a mission wouldn't be just about a small area to clear from enemies.
Maybe , make a whole mission area , where you have to move around a large area (with a scrolling terrain), just some suggestions for types of missions:
Find documents and get back to HQ, Rescue hostages, clear a barricaded building with enemies.

Or , just improve on the team-mates function , for example controlling each team-mate sepperately or assigning teams when you have more that 4 buddies ,
so you won't just move as a large group; try to make them more effective in combat, instead of just using them to attract\injure enemies.

Looking forward but which will come out first
this is going to be awsome :D these are 2 awsome game's

Sounds like they're going to be pretty good, some people were suggesting One on One combat with the other factions hero when taking their capital city, are you considering taking this suggestion on board?

Regarding EW4, a mid/late 19th centuary campaign might work, I don't know much about firearms from that period but I'd imagine their reload rates are definatly faster than the earlier periods mentioned. Or how about a more futuristic campaign, further on than the WW3 one from EW3 (No idea what happened in that, it suddenly turned into Resident Evil). Something a bit like Metroid, Halo, or Warhammer 40,000 might be fun. But I'm not the one making the game, I will however being one of those reviewing it.

I don't think you should have stealth missions but stealth capains, because switching between action and stealth is irritating. I'd rather do them both seperately. Medievil campains? Sounds... Interesting. Just promise you'll add in a block button.

Hey I know you probebly get this alot but, you made 2 of the GREATEST games on newgrounds and in the same year! but is there an estimated release game on Fuedalism 2? Also could you make it so the second feudalism isnt so repetive because at first i was very excited about the game and then it just got boring, like maybe 1 o 1 matches against town leaders or maybe an actual quest line? that would be awsome! For EW4 maybe a better coverage system, im not saying i dont enjoy pressing to buttons back and forth timing the left click at just the right time so as not to desterb the other soldiers that are trying to kill me. A side scroller type were the map exstend's farther then you can see but u can move on would be nice, its kind of wierd knowing were EVERYONE is at one time, it gives that player a unfair advantage that makes it boring fast, and maybe a rank system of its own? Civil war and wild west do not sound fun at all, but an actually story line for the army,swat,punk, ext campaings, that would make it much more interesting! and the whole steath concept would be fun, maybe a MGS kind of campaign thing. Well good luck and thank you for being such a GREAT flash artist!

I have been waiting sooo long for news of endless awr 4...thanks you...=P
i think turrets and vehicles would be awesome, and that medeviel and civil war capaigns would be cool, but ultimaltly draw from the origenal awesomeness of the game. and sorry but i was a bit dissapointed with feudalism, but i hope 2 will be better.

Heres some suggestions for feudalism 2:
you should be able to control multiple armys; but only one would have your hero
The enemys should have their own armys that attack your towns and intercept you.
If that were to happen you could have them fight each other and it might turn out like a real-time risk type game which would be cool.

PS: i think rendoxil1 was talking about endless war 4 not feudalism

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