As I promised, here's an overview of available character classes in my next game, Feudalism III
There'll be 9 of them, 3 per each side, 3 heavy melee warriors, 3 agile ranged+melee fighters and 3 mages. The classes may be renamed and characters' look will be changed, but the concept is final.
Classes of Crimson Empire:
1. Blademasters are pure melee warriors, masters of swords and spears. Their attacks deal heavy damage and some of their skills may debuff foes decreasing their defense, damage or cause bleeding.
2. Officers are skilled with rifles and SMGs, but they also can use Empire's secret weapon: lightsabers. Unlike other melee weapons, lightsabers deal elemental damage depending on their blade color. Red blades deal fire damage, yellow - lighting damage, orange - both fire and lightning damage. Their lightsaber skills rely on dark magic, vampiric effects and self-buffs.
3. Necromancers are masters of dark, poison and frost magic. They can curse, freeze or dominate their foes, or turn them into a poison bomb! Or just summon a deamon to do their job. As any other mage, they have healing and supportive spells too.
Classes of Red Order:
1. Paladins are mighty and well-protected masters of swords, axes and hammers. They also have some supportive skills andcan reflect damage back to the enemy.
2. Defenders are jacks of all trades, masters of heavy guns and SMGs. Though low HP comparing to Paladins they're still powerful melee fighters, thanks to their dual sabers. They rely on high dodge and attack speed, and also can buff and heal nearby allies.
3. Wizards are masters of elemental magic, they have a full set of fire, lightning and frost spells and can deal immense AOE damage. Their supportive spells are very good too.
Classes of Sun Kingdom:
1. Samurai is a warrior with pure spirit, master of sword and katana. Katanas are faster than swords, but deals less damage. Unlike blademasters and paladins they mostly focus on fighting a single enemy and self buffs.
2. Mercenaries are advanced troops skilled with pistols and plasma rifles. They also can use a special weapon: gunblade. Gunblade is mix of sword and shotgun, it can't shoot but consumes ammo when slashing. Gunblade deals an elemental bonus damage depending on the ammo type. Most gunblade skills provide additional ammo effects.
3. Druids are masters of nature magic, they cast poison, lightning and fire spells and use magic to heal and buff their allies. They're effective mix of thinderstorms and crowd control spells.