I'm working on Feudalism 2 now and got some news about that game:
- Special Skills, which inflict more damge, but cost some SP and cannot be used when mounted
- 2 new nations: Mongols and Arabs
- bigger map, more towns
- more weapons: amount of all types of weapons is increased
- new weapon type: Katar
- a bit changed character stats: now he will not be overpovered (at least, I hope so)
- new units
- all (or almost all) units use skills too
There're still too much to do, but hope I'll finish the game in umm...hmm.. begining of October? But will piblish only after 27th of October (see below)
I'm going to rest for a while after finishing Feudalism 2 and then start working on Endless War 4. I'll probably add usable turrets and vehicles to the gamebut not sure if such shall make the game more interesting. Exactly, I don't have any other new ideas for EW4... maybe some new guns though.. Staelth missions and Medival campaigns..? Hard to make and a bit boring to play. Some guys suggested to make a Wild West or Civil War missions, but is it interesting to shot enemies with a pistol or a rifle which takes lots of time to reload? I don't think so.